Theological Musings

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Typepad is down

This probably won't mean anything to most of my readers, because I use Blogger, but I exchanged some emails today with David Wayne (JollyBlogger) when I noticed that his blog suddenly lost the last week's worth or so of blogs and comments. He uses Typepad as his blogging host, and apparently there are issues with Typepad today.

David asked me to post a note here letting my readers know about the issue, so that you will be aware that there are problems with other blogs today. I recently linked to a couple of David's posts in the previous entry about Sunday services on Christmas Day, and one of those is now lost in (cyber)space! Hopefully, all will be back to normal soon.

Since I'm giving David this free press, let me add a comment to say that David's is one of the more sane blogs I read on a regular basis. David and I have respectfully disagreed with each other on some issues, but I have found him to be very fair and kind in his analysis of others' opinions. If you haven't already checked his blog out, do so, and especially do so when Typepad appears to be working again!

Update (12/17/05): In this post, David informs us that it appears the problem is mostly resolved. Welcome back, David!

Until next time,

steve :)

2 comment(s):

We are back up and running - many thanks Steve. God's richest blessings to you!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, December 16, 2005 5:28:00 PM  

Oh, maybe I spoke too soon. The newer posts are up but you can't read the extended entries or comment yet. Sorry about that. I'm hoping this is a good sign and that we'll be fully operational by tomorrow.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, December 16, 2005 5:33:00 PM  

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